Monday, March 21, 2016

Jon Eborn - Steps to start living in the Present

Jon Eborn

The new generation is just running for more and more money. They just worry about their future or past. “Living in the present” means living in the present not dwelling on the past and future worries. Just concentrate on the present and remember it-

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful”

Here Jon Eborn describes 3 steps to start living in the present.

1.    Don’t dwell on past accomplishments: For living in the present you just have to dwell on your today. If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you have not much done today.  

Jon Eborn

2.    Stop worrying: Too often we are worried about future. We can’t fully appreciate today if you are worry about future. You know that tomorrow is going to happen whether you think or not.  
3.    Dream about the future, but work hard today: To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only the plan for the dream but also believe it. It works hard today is the first step towards realizing your dreams tomorrow. 

4.    Fully appreciate the moments of today: Appreciate your today and enjoy all the movement as much as you possibly can – the sights, the emotions, the smells, the triumph, the sorrow and the sounds,

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to more tips about how to enjoy today and live in the present. 

Keep visiting Jon Eborn's website -

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Jonathan Eborn- Tips for keeping life Simple

“Simplicity is the peak of civilization.” – Jessie Sampter

In the contemporary lifestyle, keeping simple life is tough things. But keeping life is an important key for permanency. A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for everybody. Here, Jon Eborn gives some ideas that help you keeping life simple. If you’re interested in simplifying your life, this is a great starter’s guide: You just have to follow them in their daily routine.

Jon Eborn

·       If you like something, express it.
·       Evaluate your time
·       Simplify work tasks.
·       Limit your media consumption.
·       If you love someone, tell them!
·       Explain if you understood
·       If you have question, ask.
·       Forget what everyone thinks and wants for you.
·       Focus on being productive, not being busy.
·       Spend more time with the right people.
·       Always ask if you want something.  If you don’t ask you won’t get it.
·       Do what you love
·       Be present.

Jon Eborn believes that “Life is not complicated.  We are complicated.  When we stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, life is simple”.

For this we must take time to enjoy the simple things, and slow down and see what’s right in front of us.

For more keep visit website-

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Jonathan Eborn - Tips for starting a successful workday

In the competitive era, most of them are working under pressure which causes so many problems. All know that we have a limited amount of time each day to do things that we want to do. So for the sake of saving time and energy, Jon Eborn is sharing a list of tips that will help you be a successful workday. Here, (Jonathan) Jon Eborn discuss some helpful tips for starting a successful workday. For work daily success you have to adopt some morning habits that help you for daily success.

Jon Eborn Utah

Your morning routine can set your tone for the entire day. If you want to be efficient, productivity, focus, motivation etc. 
Start your day by discussing tips by Jon Ebon to a great start with these simple steps.

1.    Plan your day: The most important key factor for successful workday is to schedule your work plan before starting a work. It will definitely reduce stress and leading a successful workday. 

2.    Start your day with accomplishing something big: Start you work with the goal of accomplishing important work. Do first thing which is most important and you can say that I did some productive thing during a workday.

3.    Start with 15 minutes of positive input: One thing should be remembered that you just think positive and start your work after reading some inspirational thoughts. So that it will enhance your stamina for working a day. 
4.    Multitasking can actually make us less effective: If you work two things at one time it will just reducing you quality work. So never do it. Do thing at one time one thing.

5.    Be sure you add breaks into your blocks of time:  If you want to successful workday you have to take short intervals for feel stress less like take a short walk, have meals and mediate. These breaks lead your body great energy throughout the day.

By adopting a few morning habits sharing by Jon Eborn Utah, you can help set yourself up for daily success, including motivation, focus, increased productivity and more.

Know more tips for the successful workday. You can visit Jon Eborn’s website: